Paper craft skills

IMG_0874 IMG_0873 IMG_0872 Students all over the school are working on some variation of paper craft skills.

Great for fine motor development, technology skills and thinking creatively these projects have been designed to enable students to develop skills in joining, folding, cutting, making movable parts and 3d work.

These kind of activities also develop language skills as the students love to make up a story about their work.

Here are a few samples from grade 1 and 2.

You will see this work all over the school!


Australian Artist Grace Cossington Smith

IMG_0870 IMG_0869 Grade 4 students have been busy looking at art works of Sydney Harbour. They have used the painting technique of Australian artist Grace Cossington Smith to create their own stunning paintings.

Students were only allowed 2 or 3 colours plus white and were amazed at the myriad of colours and shades they could create.

Some of the paintings started to look like beautiful Persian rugs and some become almost abstract.

I will post more pics soon.IMG_0868


IMG_0856 IMG_0857 IMG_0858 Grade 3 have made some fantastic insects using dyes, rock salt and paint.

Firstly they drew 3 body parts for their insect design.

Next they painted the body and then very carefully painted dye around the edge. Rock salt was placed on top of the dye which draws the moisture up and makes wonderful patterns in the dye.

Once it was all dry the students made marks to decorate their insects.

Check them out in the school passage. They make a colourful display.

Great work grade 3.
