Hooray we have an art blog!

IMG_0756It is very exciting to have our own art blog where we can show all the amazing art created by the students at Meps.

We have started the year with ‘Australia’ as our overall theme. Preps have been looking at the primary colours and creating art based on the wattle, waratah and royal blue bell.

Grade 1 and 2 have also looked at the flower emblems from around Australia and the collages they made are beautiful. the first week was all paint, rollers, bubble wrap and paint brushes!

Grade 3 and 4 have been looking at Australian birds but using different techniques. Grade 3 were inspired by the art of NZ artist Annie Sandano and produced delightful bird prints and grade 4 have been using all their graphic art skills to create stunning birds with geometric shapes.

Grade 5 have used the Australian landscape to create a mixed media artwork with ink, water paints and collage.

grade 6 on the other hand have thrown caution to the wind and are using all their knowledge and skills to make a map of Australia with a hint of John Wolseley (Australian artist) about it. they have included ink, dye, paint, water colour paint and pencils, frottage and collage!!



The teachers even tried their hand at creating some art during the first 3 curriculum days and made felt. The final piece will be on display soon we are just waiting for a stretcher frame to be made. It looks amazing.

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